Saturday, December 30, 2006

Here are just a few secrets

The theory behind this system that creates these explosive opportunities to capture short term profits .

Why this system works consistently to produce a winning trade accuracy of over +70% for 5 straight years .

How it works to produce gains up to 5 points and higher in four days or less .

Step by step detail on exactly how to find the stocks to trade with this system .

Precise hand holding, step by step details on how to set up the trades, using visual aids to guide you .

How to generate 'Buy' and 'Sell' targets for each of the 6 main system strategies! .

How to manage the buying and selling opportunities for each of the strategies! .

Complete system trading statistics for 2006. In 2006 there were 70 stocks to trade with the 6 main system strategies.
These 70 system generated trades are broken down into three categories; Winners (a profit of 1/2 of a point and higher), Borderline (a profit of 0 to 7/16), and Losers (a profit less than 0; a loss).
Of these 70 system generated trades, 50 were WINNERS (72%), 19 were BORDERLINE (27%), and 1 was a LOSER (1%).
The largest gain was $5.67.
All 70 system generated trades are detailed in the ebook in the system trading statistics including the stock's ticker symbol, dates, which main strategy was used, profits, and other information pertinent to the system.

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